- LA Times Crossword
- August 17 2024
- Get ready to drive, say
Get ready to drive, say
Crossword Puzzle Clue
We have found the following solution for: Get ready to drive, say crossword clue. This crossword clue was last seen on August 17 2024 LA Times Crossword puzzle. The solution we have for Get ready to drive, say has a total of 3 letters. Please keep in mind that same crossword clues might have different answers and this is the reason why we give the number of letters for the following answer so that it matches the crossword clue you've got. If something is wrong or missing kindly let us know and we will be more than happy to help you out. For older puzzles and more answers we recommend you to visit our LA Times Crossword Answers page.
• | To point or direct a missile weapon, or a weapon which propels as missile, towards an object or spot with the intent of hitting it; as, to aim at a fox, or at a target. |
• | To direct the indention or purpose; to attempt the accomplishment of a purpose; to try to gain; to endeavor; -- followed by at, or by an infinitive; as, to aim at distinction; to aim to do well. |
• | To guess or conjecture. |
• | To direct or point, as a weapon, at a particular object; to direct, as a missile, an act, or a proceeding, at, to, or against an object; as, to aim a musket or an arrow, the fist or a blow (at something); to aim a satire or a reflection (at some person or vice). |
• | The pointing of a weapon, as a gun, a dart, or an arrow, in the line of direction with the object intended to be struck; the line of fire; the direction of anything, as a spear, a blow, a discourse, a remark, towards a particular point or object, with a view to strike or affect it. |
• | The point intended to be hit, or object intended to be attained or affected. |
• | Intention; purpose; design; scheme. |
• | Conjecture; guess. |
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